About ruth

Ruth knew me before I was even born, that is how long my mother and she have been friends. Growing up I knew Ruth as simply one of my mother’s friends. We would visit Ruth and her husband, Chris, regularly and for most holidays, including Christmas. Chris and Ruth enveloped my mother, my younger sister, and I into their family. As I got older, I stopped visiting Chris and Ruth out of mere obligation to my mother, but because I simply loved spending time with them. I would go over on Friday nights once a month in high school. Whenever I went over to their house, I immediately felt safe, loved, and heard. Chris and Ruth are some of the nicest, hardworking, and inspiring people you will ever have the privilege to meet. Ruth, especially, is one of those exceptional people who is not shaken by the things that life throws her way. Instead, she picks herself and her loved ones back up, shakes off the dust and gets back up.

She is steadfast, loyal, and compassionate. I believe that she has the ability to encourage and uplift others because she has done that with me. Her wisdom and oftentimes tough love encouraged me to work hard during college but also know when to rest and enjoy those years of my life. As I look back, I wish I listened to her sooner and not stressed out about school as much as I did. Ruth is in an opportune season of her life where she can now devote time and energy to her passion: encouraging others and spreading the love of Jesus. These are things she has always done, even when she was a fulltime mom, wife, student, or employee, she always managed to do these things without even trying. However, I am so happy for her that she gets to do this full time and really see where the Lord is leading her. I hope that through this website, Ruth and her friendship bless every one of you, as she has been a steadfast blessing in my life. – Morgan D.