About Ruth

Like many people, Ruth struggles with low self-esteem and has for most of her life (she says it really stinks!). To help combat the continual mental battering of herself, she started reading self-help and self-improvement books in her latter teen years and dove much deeper into them in her twenties & thirties, and still does today. However, today she reads and listens to them not only to find improvement, but because she enjoys them and uses them as a daily reminder to stay positive. Ruth says that today she knows she is a cherished daughter of God, loved just exactly the way she is.

Ruth truly has a heart for others who struggle but want to overcome. Sadly, we are in a world full of whiners, complainers, and blamers. Ruth seeks to help those who want to be better, who don’t want to blame or make excuses, but who want to improve their life and look at it through a positive lens. She seeks to help others find and hold tight to what the Lord says about them. The enemy of this world wants to cut us all down and make us feel worthless and weak by continually reminding us of all the mistakes we’ve ever made. The enemy loves to condemn us and make us feel shame for our mistakes, but God does not condemn us…He loves us and wants to help us overcome…and with His help, Ruth wants to help others overcome the negative self-talk, help them learn all of the beautiful things God says about them, help them have a closer relationship with the Lord, and help them to improve their life.

In order to tell you about Ruth Vega, we must begin with the definition of “Ruth”. Ruth is derived from the Hebrew word re’ut, meaning “friend.”

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Ruth knew me before I was even born, that is how long my mother and she have been friends. Growing up I knew Ruth as simply…

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